Title Page Of 'nova Reperta'
by Science Photo Library
Title Page Of 'nova Reperta'
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
Title page of 'Nova Reperta' (New Inventions of Modern Times), published in around 1590. This work consisted of a series of engravings showing recent developments in science and technology. The roundel at left names Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci on a map of the continents of the Americas they discovered and named. The roundel at right names Flavius Amalfitanus (also known as Flavio Gioja), credited with an improved maritime compass design. The inventions shown are a printing press (upper centre), a clock (lower left), a cannon and gunpowder (lower centre), an alchemist's furnace (lower right), stirrups (bottom left), the cultivation of silk worms (also bottom left), and the tropical wood guaiacum used to treat syphilis (bottom right). The human figures hold ouroboros symbols. Engraving by Theodore Galle after Jan van der Straet (Johannes Stradanus).
September 28th, 2018
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