James Clerk Maxwell

by Science Photo Library
James Clerk Maxwell
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Scottish physicist. Maxwell's works cover a wide area of science, and is regarded as one of the greatest theoretical physicists. His major work was on light and electromagnetic waves. He showed that oscillating charges produced waves in an electromagnetic field and that these waves had the same velocity of light. From this, based on the ideas of Faraday, he worked out the complete electromagnetic theory of light. He predicted other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves. Working on the motions of molecules in a gas, he developed the kinetic theory of gases and showed that Saturn's rings must be composed of numerous particles. With ?ǣMaxwell's Equations?ǥ describing wave propagation mathematically, he unified one of nature's fundamental forces.
October 25th, 2019