Dentist pulling a tooth, 19th century
by Science Photo Library
Dentist pulling a tooth, 19th century
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
This image may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by the Chemical Heritage Foundation of any product, service or activity, or to concur with an opinion or confirm the accuracy of any text appearing alongside or in logical association with the image. Dentist pulling a tooth. 19th-century artwork showing a dentist and his patient within a stone archway. The dentist is holding up the bloody tooth he has just pulled from the young male patient who is spitting out blood. A symbolic crocodile is hanging from the ceiling. This artwork, titled 'Der Zahnartz' (The Dentist), is an engraving on wove paper by 19th-century artist William French, after an earlier artwork by 17th-century Dutch painter Gerard Dou.
March 7th, 2014
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