Sir Francis Drake
by Science Photo Library
Sir Francis Drake
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596), English admiral. This portrait of Drake, thought to be by the Flemish cartographer Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), dates from around 1583 when Drake was 43. The coat of arms (upper right) was granted him when he was knighted in 1581 on the deck of the Golden Hind, the ship in which he made his voyage around the world. Drake has his right hand on a helmet, and is holding a baton with the other hand. At upper left is a globe depicting Africa and Asia. Sailing ships and a city are seen through the window. The Latin title across top names Drake (Franciscus Draeck) and the Latin inscription at bottom gives the years of his voyage of circumnavigation (1577-1580).
September 19th, 2018