Ophthalmoscope View Of Retina Showing Macula Hole

by Science Photo Library
Ophthalmoscope View Of Retina Showing Macula Hole
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
Macula hole. Ophthalmoscope view of the retina of a patient's eye, showing a macula hole. At centre is a round red and finely speckled area comprising a hole in the macula, the area of the retina responsible for acuity of vision. Speckling occurs where the retina breaks away from the choroid beneath. At right is the yellow optic disc where blood vessels and the optic nerve enter the eye. Macular degeneration can occur through trauma, but most commonly is a progressive disorder in the elderly. The effect is a roughly circular area of blindness and loss of central vision. Macula hole cannot be treated; macular degeneration may be laser treated if diagnosed early.
September 18th, 2018