King Protea ( Protea Cynaroides )

by Science Photo Library
King Protea ( Protea Cynaroides )
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
Flower of the King Protea, Protea cynaroides, a native of South Africa, and the national flower of South Africa. The flower" is a complex inflorescence, consisting of a ring of stamens surrounding a central boss comprised of stigmas. The "petals" - here pink, are in fact floral bracts.P. cynaroides is adapted to fire by the development of a swollen underground stem called a lignotuber, a structure shared with many eucalyptus species. Following a catastrophic fire event, the lignotuber produces new shoots which grow to produce a replacement plant. Protea flowers are nectar-rich and are pollinated by birds in their native habitat. This picture was taken in Victoria Australia, where the flowers are commonly visited by bees."
August 4th, 2016