Count of St Germain, French alchemist

by Science Photo Library
Count of St Germain, French alchemist
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
This image may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by the Chemical Heritage Foundation of any product, service or activity, or to concur with an opinion or confirm the accuracy of any text appearing alongside or in logical association with the image. Count of St Germain (c.1712-1784), French alchemist. St Germain was a French courtier and adventurer who rose to prominence in Europe in the mid-18th century. He was also known as a charlatan, inventor, and alchemist. Little biographical information is known about him, though some of the stories of his life gave rise to legends and myths. This 1783 engraving is by Nicolas Thomas, based on a painting that is now lost. The title and inscription are in French, translating as 'celebrated alchemist', comparing St Germain to Prometheus, who gave fire to mankind, and talking about God and gaining control over Nature.
March 4th, 2014