Restoration Of Roman Frescoes #4

by Science Photo Library
Restoration Of Roman Frescoes #4
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
Restoration of Roman frescoes. Close-up of a fresco in the Villa of the Mysteries in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, Italy. Restoration work on this fresco will use lasers instead of mechanical or chemical cleaning. The laser vaporises dirt and protective layers left during previous restorations. The Villa of the Mysteries houses a number of large colourful frescoes that depict a woman undergoing an initiation rite. In the first century AD Pompeii was a flourishing coastal resort populated by wealthy Romans. It was decimated in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius that covered the city in wet ashes and cinders. Many buildings and other structures were well preserved and have been revealed by a series of excavations.
August 6th, 2016