Detached Dental Crown For A Canine Tooth #1

by Science Photo Library
Detached Dental Crown For A Canine Tooth #1
Science Photo Library
Photograph - Photograph
A fused metal dental porcelain crown, fitted with a fibre post. The picture shows the metal base fused to a false porcelain tooth that became detached 7 years after intial fitting. Porcelain is used for crowns since its colour can be matched to the tooth it replaces. Although a generally strong material, it can chip; its stability is improved by fusing it to a precious metal base. Crowns with posts are used in cases where endodontal work (root filling) is necessary due to infection of the dentine within the root of the tooth; in this case, an upper canine. Incisor teeth are generally subject to less pressure from the action of the jaw than molar teeth. They are also more significant cosmetically, favouring the use of porcelain
September 15th, 2018
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